I’m so happy right now!
I was NEEDING something sweet. I set out looking around the house for chocolate. I might have hidden away for myself for just the right moment. I usually have chocolate stashed.
No such luck.
Then I opened the fridge and had a stare down with a large container of organic spinach I bought today at the store. NOT the same as chocolate, but I decided to use those leafy greens and turn them into a sweet treat.
DEE-LISH!!! — I’m serious
1 cup orange juice (or just water)
1/2 banana
a little honey
a lot of spinach
Put it all in the blender
and BLEND.
This satisfied my sweet tooth, filled me up and awarded me with good amounts of
vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron calcium, vitamin C,
vitamin B2, potassium, and vitamin B6!
Oh, and I also got some
protein, phosphorus, Vitamin E, zinc, dietary fiber, selenium, niacin, omega-3 fatty acids, and copper!
These are my goodies from the spinach alone! If you don’t believe that this spinach smoothie could taste good, I have proof: Withholding ALL information about the ingredients I used, I had my husband take a sip.
He said, “Sure, I could drink this. It is good.”
My son responded, “YUMMMM Mom, that is good!”
There you have it.
Go fill your belly with a nutritionally packed sweet treat and share what you did!