DIY Foam Hand Soap!

My desire is to make my home an environment that promotes health. I’m constantly evaluating our current conditions, making adjustments to brands and products and experimenting with alternatives. I really started changing things during the “sick year” we had with my son. Read post about that here. I want to thank allergies, asthma and infection for waking me up to the fact that I can have more control over the health of my home than I ever imagined! So here are some of the changes we’ve made. I hope you find some of this helpful!
DIY Plantain Tincture Itch Cream – for bug bites, stings & more
DIY Bug Spray
DIY Refresh Your Skin
DIY Foam Hand Soap
DIY Laundry Soap
DIY Dryer Balls
DIY After Sun Lotion
DIY Toilet Cleaner
DIY Dusting Spray
DIY Sink Cleaner
DIY Oven Cleaner
DIY Microwave Cleaner
DIY Glass/Mirror Cleaner
DIY All Purpose Kitchen Cleaner
Why Replace Chemical, Toxic Cleaners with Natural