I have recently stumbled upon a new product to add to my workouts:
These sand-filled bags come in all different weights and can be used similar to a kettlebell, dumbbell, or medicine ball. I have to say, however, that the SandBell opens up a new world of exercises that the other equipment just can’t provide.

What I love about the SANDBELL
Great for travel.
Buy them filled or empty.
Fun partner workouts.
Great kid workouts.
Stores away easily.
Strengthens stabilizer muscles.
Challenges the CORE in every exercise.
Thank you Lucy for working hard with me
and letting me put put you in pictures 🙂
Be sure to stop by HYPERWEAR and CHECK THEM OUT!
Also cruze on over and check out the
article and video I wrote for their bog on ‘Finding Health as a Family’
They asked me to create a few games to play with kids using Sandbells! It was really fun!