If you are wondering what the heck PILATES is
or thinking of joining my class,
here are some facts to convince you that
- This technique develops a strong core – flat abdominals and a strong back.
- It will create long, lean muscles and flexibility.
- You can develop an evenly conditioned body, improve sports performance and reduce risk of injury.
- You will learn to control your body & gain muscle awareness.
- It can rehab and strengthen joints.
- Posture will improve
- You will see benefits in many areas of your life.
- It’s a challenging, but gentle low impact way to exercise.
Pilates is an effective method of cross-training, combining flexibility, body awareness, breathing techniques, and improvement in the strength and stability of your core muscles.
These are just a few of the benefits.
Read about Pilates and Arthritis HERE
Read about Pilates and Dance HERE
Read about Pilates in the Workplace HERE
Read about Life after a Hip Replacement HERE
Read about Pilates: Prenatal & Postpartum HERE
It was developed over 100 years ago.
It is not a trend.
Get on the PILATES train NOW!!!
Here I am doing pilates exercises using a