I have made Zucchini Pizza before but the cheese was the key in making it good. Now I’m avoiding dairy. So this is the Zucchini Pizza 2, and I actually liked it better! I didn’t miss that cheese at all!
I made these for the Slow-Carb sampling party we had on friday. It was really fun by the way! Because we were sampling, I cut them into smaller pieces. It’s much faster to cut them into long slices.
- Put them in a zip-lock and drizzle olive oil.
- Shake up.
- Lay them flat on foil lined cookie sheet.
- Put them under the BROILER for 2 minutes.
- Turn them over and broil an additional 2 minutes.
- Add spaghetti or pizza sauce on top.
- Add a slice of pepperoni or turkey on top.
- Put them back under the broiler for a few minutes. Watch closely and take out when the pepperoni looks good to you!