It is such an honor to be on the PhysicalMind Institute website showing Tye4®. This is the original and leading Pilates Certifying Institution. The latest from the Institution is Standing Pilates, Circular Pilates, Tye4®, HeadFloater™ and 80Bites – a weight loss program that is comparable with the Pilates principles: less is more.
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If you are a Pilates instructor, want to become a Pilates instructor, a physical therapist, a dance instructor, gym owner or athletic coach …
or if you want to build a strong, lean, balanced body for yourself… get connected. Check out the training programs that offer the most cutting edge curriculum for the 21st century.
“If Joseph Pilates were alive today, he would applaud the innovation we have brought to his original exercises. As he created the original movements as a response to the needs of a population almost a century ago, we at the Institute have developed a coherent, no nonsense program for addressing the needs of the 21st century client.” TheMethod Pilates
Look for more on Tye4 in the March edition of