I’ve stumbled upon the best solution for my skin after spending a glorious day in the sun. It’s kinda obvious and super easy and cheap. I used this for the first time last summer after getting a burn from using a chemical sun screen. BOOOOO! I normally use a natural brand but this particular pool day I didn’t have any and used my friends.
Read HERE to find out why we switched to natural in the first place.
Anywho, I used this DIY lotion on my burn and it worked better than anything I have ever used, ever! I applied it at least 4 times a day for the first 3 days.
1. It seriously soothed the burn.
2. After a few days, my daughter and I both realized that my skin was super SOFT! She asked what I was using and asked me to make her some! lol
3. And finally, my peeling and itching was minimized.
So from now on we use this: