It was a year ago this week that I was flown out to NYC for the Pilates Style Magazine photo shoot that introduced Tye4® to the Pilates world. This is an experience I’ll never forget. The shoot lasted 5 hours and I was sore in EVERY SINGLE MUSCLE afterwards … so I know exactly what muscles are engaged while using Tye4!!! I now KNOW exactly where my CORE is – I was even sore in my intercostal muscles (the one’s in-between the ribs)! LOL
The atmosphere during the photo shoot was relaxed and it was a lot of fun.
I stayed in the most beautiful room with a view at the Hotel on Rivington.
This was a perfect place to rest, relax and focus on the upcoming shoot.

And of course, I cherished the time with my friend Monica Mendes Bittenbender (also featured in the story), as well as Yuu Fujita-Toews, PhysicalMind Institute Lead Teacher and the most valuable time spent with Joan Breibart – Founder of the PhysicalMind Institute, started the Pilates boom in 1991 and inventor of the Tye4.

Ashley Benson and Joan Breibart
The story was featured in the March/April 2014 edition of Pilates Style Magazine!
View here.

A few months after this, I was back in New York for TheMethod Pilates Tye4 Standing Pilates training – see here.

We are still discovering new ways to use the Tye4 and I am more in love with it today as I was the first time I got my hands on a Tye4 prototype Feb. 2012 – a year and a half before it was even released! See my original 2012 post here.
Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me. I’m grateful and humbled by this experience, and SO EXCITED for what’s to come!!!