Happy Monday!
I hope you can fit in some workouts sessions in your schedule this week!
Let’s make this week a good one that gets us closer to our goals!
Looks like we are going to have some hot and humid days ahead. Exerising in these conditions intensifies how hard the body has to work to maintain normal function.
So here are some tips in staying safe if you are exercising outside…

- Hydrate ahead of time…research suggests that drinking plenty of cool water prior to exercise will preemptively cool the body and may boost performance in hot weather!
Try this:

during and after workout. This is all we give our kids. No gatorade for my family!
- Wear light colored clothing
- Let your body acclimate to the climate. Gradually getting your body use to the heat can result in better sweat response, lower body temp, and lower heart rate!
- If you have the choice, workout in the morning when temps are lower
- Use
Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad Cooling Towel
to keep you cool!
They work really well.
Stay safe and have a great workout! If you exercise outside in the summer, let me know what you do and how you say cool!