Tag Archives: quotes


 It’s hard for me to believe I have a 13 years old!!!!  EEEK!  Really, she is the best and I’m so happy with who she’s growing up to be.  Taylor is smart [er than me], funny, fun, witty, respectful, honest, beautiful, generous, talented and displays self-controll beautifully.

She is at the perfect age for me to introduce her to the fitness world… And that’s SO EXCiTING to me!  When I was about her age, my dad started taking me to the gym and taught me how to squat with proper form with a poll on my back, and now I get to pass this along to Taylor.  At this age, girls are so impressionable and are forming an opinion about their body that will stick with them for the rest of their life.  I am responsible, honored and excited to speak truth into the lives of young girls.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”  Psalm 139:13


I love the way this scripture is worded in the The Message translation of the Bible:   
“…body and soul, I am marvelously made!”

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