I believe a warm-up should involve stretching and waking up/ warming up posture muscles. If we properly warmup ⭐️ focusing on posture ⭐️ then our muscles will strengthen in a way that supports our skeleton in that better posture position 🤯
Most of my work this week has been online and I AM TIGHT and uncomfortable. So lifting weights without attention to this first would NOT be serving my purpose. It would be making my situation worse.
My favorite tool for opening up chest + shoulders, stretching small neck muscles and getting a nice spinal rotation stretch quickly and easily is the HeadFloater 😍 Using it before workouts has been very valuable for me and my clients!

Check it out if you spend a lot of time on technology or have small kids you’re constantly hunched over taking care of. This gives much relief AND will help you look better!
Below are the 4 exercises I do to get a better posture position. Grab your HeadFloater and give it a try!