HIIT Has Been Sidelined.
As a child, I had severe asthma and depended on high doses of medication, regular ER visits and hospitalization to keep me alive. I fought through and out grew it. Now as an adult I use a rescue inhaler on occasion. Common triggers that cause inflammation in my airways: exercise, allergies, common colds.
The moment I learned that COVID-19 attacks the lungs, I decided to stop my HIIT (high intensity internal training) workouts and any other exercises that tax my lungs.
Avoiding vulnerability was a good call, but what CAN I do to make my breathing stronger? I began to remember breathing techniques my doctors taught me as a kid in case I was found without my inhaler during an asthma attack – an action that could actually save my life.
Watch the video for breathing techniques designed to strengthen us for this COVID-19 epidemic.
I’ve announced to my online studio members that I would not be teaching live stream cardio until further notice (but lucky for them, they have many recorded classes in the archives they can access if they’d like to take a cardio class).
Normally I do (and teach) cardio to keep my heart and lungs strong.. but at this point it would be foolish for me to do something that causes inflammation, and then possibly get exposed to the virus in a weakened, vulnerable state.
For anyone with a history of asthma or lung disease, I recommend pausing any high intensity cardiovascular exercise. I recommend for EVERYONE to add these simple breathing techniques into your daily routine.
How I Foam Roll
This is the basic routine I do sometimes before, and after workouts. I had just finished teaching an online class, and kept the camera filming as I did my personal recovery time 😁
Get some ideas and see what I love and use everyday!
Professional Athletes Who Do Pilates
Pilates is one of the best forms of conditioning an athlete can do to reduce pain and risk of injury, and to get a competitive edge.
- Pilates integrates the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle as a single unit
- Pilates emphasizes proper breathing, proper spinal and pelvic alignment and smooth flowing movement
Athletes become familiar with the functional mechanics and this becomes the foundation of their movement.
With Pilates training, athletes can run faster, jump higher and hit the ball farther – without pain or injury to themselves.

“From the first time that I did it, it just made sense to me… Pilates has a way of finding your weakness and showing you what you need to be working on. I feel that a standard football workout uses the major, dynamic muscles, but not the smaller, supporting muscles that hold up the bigger ones. That’s where Pilates comes in for me.”
Jason Kidd NBA
“I don’t lift the big heavy 300-pound bench and all that anymore. I just try and keep a fine line of a little iron and a lot of the Pilates machine.”
Pilates training like these athletes do has not been accessible to the majority until now!! I’m PUMPED to tell you that I’ve been in collaboration with some of the top experts in our field to bring this kind of training to the home of every athlete!

You see these professionals using expensive Pilates Reformer machines. The TYE4 bungee system IS a wearable Reformer and was invented to extend this elite training to the masses!
Take a look at the new courses just launched from TYE4 FITNESS ACADEMY, including a FREE course showing the TOP 4 EXERCISE TO FIX TECH NECK … and much more is coming!

Antonio Brown NFL
“Even more remarkable than his dynamic play this season is the fact that Brown doesn’t lift weights in the off-season. Instead, he incorporates Pilates workouts into his training. They have enhanced his core strength, developed explosive power in his hips and glutes and created muscle balance through strengthening and alignment.”
Posture Before 🏋🏼♀️

I believe a warm-up should involve stretching and waking up/ warming up posture muscles. If we properly warmup ⭐️ focusing on posture ⭐️ then our muscles will strengthen in a way that supports our skeleton in that better posture position 🤯
Most of my work this week has been online and I AM TIGHT and uncomfortable. So lifting weights without attention to this first would NOT be serving my purpose. It would be making my situation worse.
My favorite tool for opening up chest + shoulders, stretching small neck muscles and getting a nice spinal rotation stretch quickly and easily is the HeadFloater 😍 Using it before workouts has been very valuable for me and my clients!

Check it out if you spend a lot of time on technology or have small kids you’re constantly hunched over taking care of. This gives much relief AND will help you look better!
Below are the 4 exercises I do to get a better posture position. Grab your HeadFloater and give it a try!
Coconut Water 🥥
I have a NEW way of cracking into my favorite drink!

A few years ago my kids gave me a coconut opener tool so I could have the freshest coconut water and I LOVED it and used it! I do love the taste of a young coconut with no additional ingredients 😍

That worked better than NOT being able to crack open a coconut, but a few weeks ago I found an upgrade!
Watch the video to see it in action. On the hot summer days, I use the CocoNUT tool and enjoy my favorite refreshing drink straight from the source!
So is coconut water good for you? YES
Is coconut water bad for you? YES 😆
Coconuts are so ironic and that’s another reason I LOVE them! If you want to get really confused, google “is coconut water good or bad”
Yes I believe it’s healthy – it is an rehydration drink because of its source of carbohydrates and electrolytes (potassium, sodium, and magnesium), but it’s also a diarrhetic that can dehydrate you, so…… don’t drink too much!
In conclusion, what I’ve learned over the last 20 years of being a wellness bitch is that we can, and often do, take these “healthy” things to extreme, and then it becomes bad.
So, to conclude…
- I drink coconut water because I like it 😊 = good!
- I’m a total nerd because I bring young coconuts to parties.
- I’ve found that adding a little rum is also good 😄
My Fashion Hack
Fashion isn’t my strongest skill, and almost every time I’m dressed nicer *not wearing workout clothes 🙄 I include at least one item that I wear for workouts. It makes me feel more like myself. For example 👇🏼

Daytime: the usual Pilates instructor look: yoga pants and tank. That day I wore my favorite Alo Yoga leggings with a simple Lululemon tank top.
Fast forward to getting ready for a night out… As usual, I over think what to wear, trying on many possible outfit options, leaving my bedroom looking like a tornado hit. I land on the same white Lululemon top, paired with a pencil skirt that looks similar to my yoga legging. Throw on a long, layered necklace and swap out the sneakers for heels, and BAM 💥 I’m ready for a night out!
That’s my style! What’s yours?
Comment below and let me know your fashion strategy!

14 Best Back Exercises
Back day at the gym, at home and before the game.

It’s posterior chain day 👊🏼
The back body includes some of the largest and strongest muscle groups, and in good condition, helps reduce injury and improve posture. Check out to learn more and get some examples of gym exercises you can use to target these muscles!
When you don’t have access to the gym, use the TYE4 harness to recruit and strengthen the back body ANYWHERE! Athletes are using TYE4 to warm-up, condition and recover at home and before practice and games.
Limited time, get unlimited 30 minute online workouts for just $14.99!