Tag Archives: DIY cleaners


First, I can’t believe how easy this dryer sheet switch is.  Oh, and if you aren’t sure if it’s a big deal to replace what you are use to, read 10 TOXINS LURKING IN YOUR FABRIC SOFTENER 
Now there are a few different options here:  Felted Wool Dryer Balls (I read that they come apart in the dryer) or aluminum foil dryer balls (I’ve read mixed reviews and I REALLY want my laundry to smell good!) so I choose to go THE SOCK rout.  I first saw this idea on the CampWander blog.  I took Rebecca’s advice on the first load and choose to use my Lavender Essential Oil.  The first test: our bedroom sheets.  I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised with the results!  My sheets are clean, soft, and smell delightful.  I hear that each ball will last 10-15 loads, depending on the brand of the oil you use.  I’ll give you my report in a few more laundry days.  

So now it’s your turn!  

I want to know what you think! 
Try it out and then come leave a comment.
For now, I’m going to curl up in my freshly cleaned sheets 🙂

DIY Foam Hand Soap!

Liquid Soap (Dr. Bronner’s)
Empty foam soap bottle
Essential Oils
to make the soap moisturize, add 1/2 tsp of Vitamin E oil, Almond oil, or vegetable glycerin
Step 1       Fill soap about 1/4 of the bottle
Step 2       Put 10-20 drops essential oil – I used Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Oil
Step 3       Fill the rest of the way with distilled water
Oh, thank you for asking.  
The structure in the background of my picture is the home of our 
lovely little chicks!  
In a few months we will have lots of 
lovely little organic, free-range EGGS!
Thank you Girls!!!

Are the DIY Cleaners REALLY Going to CLEAN?

If you are ANYTHING like me, you are asking this question:
“Do these homemade ‘cleaners’ actually CLEAN???…  because that’s kind of the point.  I want all germs, viruses, bacteria and all other nastiness that have made their way into my house killed!”

So this blog post is dedicated to ME.  After reading this post I can be assured that my new cleaners are kicking germ butt and leaving my house clean!!!  
Oh, and I hope it helps you too! 🙂

natural deodorizer and stain remove and  rinses easily. 
BONUS:  completely non-toxic (safe for pets – or kids – who might be tempted to lick it) and cheap!
 disinfectant, can remove stains, and is a sanitize  
BONUS:  completely non-toxic  and cheap!

(like Dr. Bronner’s)  
vegetable based soap (others are petroleum based), non-toxic and gentle enough to use on face or on pets.

a natural bleaching agent, disinfectant, and has stain removing properties. Does not have heavy metals (like the non-food grade kind) and can be used for first-aid, body and oral care, produce, household surfaces, dishwasher, laundry & stains, plants & gardens, and plants.
Do not take by mouth.

Do not use Lemongrass undiluted on your skin.
Lavender is not recommended for children to use orally and consult your doctor before using it topically.  Read THIS about using lavender oil
If you are pregnant, do not consume Juniper Berry.  Also, some medications can can interact with this.  For more info on using Juniper Berry, read THIS.
Speak to your health care provider before using Clary Sage during pregnancy and childbirth. 
Also, it should be avoided internally.  Read more about different types of Sage oil HERE
Eucalyptus should never be applied to the skin undiluted.  Avoid use of an infant or young child.  It should never be taken orally, unless under the guidance of a qualified physician.
Citrus oils bother some people, or even may be allergic to them, so choose one cleaner to use it in, only use a few drops of it at first, and then observe everyone in the house for a few days after being exposed to it.  

I get all of these products at 
They have high quality products you can trust and really, really good prices!  

Click HERE to get a $5 coupon to SwansonVitamins!!!
Read THIS to find out WHY it’s important to reduce the chemicals in the home.
Read THIS for a general SHOPPING LIST for this DIY project!
Read THIS to find out what essential oils are toxic.

Thank you Swanson’s for providing the products for this series!!!



Hey Friends! 
 These are my thoughts and my passion for making my own HOUSE-CLEANERS.  If you decide to join me after reading this, then check out the 

Do you ever get overwhelmed with this whole “HEALTHY LIFESTYLE” thing?  Well I have many times.  In my journey for better health, I have learned that it’s a process.  One step at a time!  Seriously, I started with switching from white to wheat.  I did the best I knew to do at the time.  Then we eliminated soda from our diet and replaced it with water.  Big step!  Fast forward 13 years and I am now growing my own scoby to make Kombucha – weird.  Anyway, America has gotten so far away from living healthy.  Don’t get me wrong:  I am so thankful for our human advances and I love living in this time in history!  I am often thankful that I was not born in Ancient Egypt!  Seriously!  In fact, that was my biggest takeaway as I taught the course to my daughter a few years ago.  I am SO THANKFUL for heat and air conditioning, for electricity, for my car and my iPhone.  It’s hard to imagine life without my computer, social media which makes my business possible, my UGGS (on my feet as we speak), and Starbucks – the place where these blogs and ideas come together 🙂  Oh, I need to mention my contacts, my Clarisonic, the variety in my closet, and HGTV!  Ok, I could go on and on and on…………………………………………………..!

What we are finding now is that some of the eases and conveniences are extremely harmful to our health.  For this blog series I will focus on

Ok, so in 1989, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did a 5 year study and found that chemical levels in the home were 70% higher than outdoors.  They found that housewives have a 55% higher risk of cancer than women working outside the home!  And get this: Children are more susceptible to air born toxins.  Kids respiratory rates are 3x higher than adults, therefore they inhale and absorb 3x more the amount of contaminates!

I began paying attention to the chemicals in my house a few years ago when my son, Iver, was sick with asthma and allergies.  He was really sick for a year of his life:  3 ER visits, MANY sleepless nights involving the nebulizer, and a week long hospital stay.  After 9 months of praying and searching, we found a wonderful allergy doctor, DR. WOLF, who found the cause to be a sinus infection! We could not have found a better doctor. Iver had to battle that infection with antibiotics for a period, and now he is doing great!  I have been Iver’s “nurse” long enough now to see the effect his diet and his environment plays on his body.  It’s very real, very powerful, and very controllable!  During that sick year, as we call it, my eyes began to open to the fact that our home was not helping him at all!  I started taking measures to rid his environment of anything that could trigger his asthma… dairy, gluten, dust mites (yuck! by the way), and MY CLEANERS.  How ironic… I was doing my best to keep our home germ free and clean, when in reality, my efforts were making him worse.  Uggggg

 We thank God for friends who stick by our side, pray for us daily, and come to play DS when we are cooped up in a hospital room for a week. 
 Love you Cary and all who loved on us!
This was the day we knew we were good to go home.  His O2 levels were staying up with no help and this kid was out of bed and climbing the walls… back to normal.

I am still in the process of eliminating (the best I can) chemicals and toxins from my house.  I want my home to be a safe, healthy environment for my family. After switching some of our cleaners to chemical free brands,  I noticed 2 things:  1.  Our budget was hit.  2.  I missed the smell of “clean”.  I associated “clean” with the smell of chemicals.  Hhhmmmm, let’s think about that for a minute.  If I am smelling it, it is being absorbed into my body via my lungs!  Oh great :/  And if it touches my skin, it is being absorbed into my blood stream (and I’m not one to wear gloves).

So, the EPA analyzed 2,983 chemicals we use and found that:

  • 884 are toxic
  • 146 can cause tumors
  • 218 can cause reproductive complications
  • 778 cause acute toxicity
  • 314 can cause biological mutations
  • 376 can cause skin and eye irritations
[Source: The United States House of Representatives through NIOSH, 1989]

Not good.
Now if you haven’t noticed already, my sources are old!  BUT competition within companies to make products “faster acting”  “longer-lasting” and “more powerful”  are causing our health conditions to worsen.

One example: more and more people are developing asthma.  The number of people diagnosed with asthma has grown by 4.3 million from 2001-2009.  Source:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  So sad.

During our “sick” year, I switched out my cleaners to non-toxic brands, but I am taking the NEXT STEP in my JOURNEY FOR HEALTH.  I will be making my own products.  This will save us lots of $$$ and teach me more about the tools God, Himself, has given us to use from the earth… not only are they not harmful, but they are HEALTHY!!!  

I invite you to join me!
Let’s take this journey together!!!
Have a HEALTHY day!
A few months after the hospital stay, Iver was back to normal.  I  realized that he had not been himself in a year.  I spent one rainy weekend looking at old video footage and boo-hoooing as I made this video.  I was, and still am so thankful to have this boy back!
[youtube id=”i1YlrBCIqIU”]



For the month of June, I will be replacing all of my HouseHold Cleaners with NON-TOXIC, CHEMICAL-FREE solutions I am making myself! And I will document it here on the blog 🙂 You should join me in the next step of 
So if you are taking this journey with me, here is a basic shopping list for you to put together before June.  
Essential Oils:
Need to be 100% Certified Organic.  What you choose is all about your preference.  Take a look at this Essential Oil Directory to get familiar with the different oil scents.  Read this to learn about the properties and benefits of the different oils.  These links might help you decide what oils you would like to use. 
Oh, did I mention you will save $$$$$ by making your own cleaners?  And it’s healthy?  
So are you taking the plunge?  
Let me know if you have questions and YOU BETTER share tips with me that you discover along the way!!!


My desire is to make my home an environment that promotes health.  I’m constantly evaluating our current conditions, making adjustments to brands and products and experimenting with alternatives.  I really started changing things during the “sick year” we had with my son.  Read post about that here.  I want to thank allergies, asthma and infection for waking me up to the fact that I can have more control over the health of my home than I ever imagined!  So here are some of the changes we’ve made.  I hope you find some of this helpful!


DIY Toothpaste

DIY Plantain Tincture Itch Cream – for bug bites, stings & more
DIY Bug Spray

DIY Tick Repellent

DIY Refresh Your Skin
DIY Foam Hand Soap

DIY Laundry Soap
DIY Dryer Balls
DIY After Sun Lotion
DIY Toilet Cleaner
DIY Dusting Spray
DIY Sink Cleaner
DIY Oven Cleaner
DIY Microwave Cleaner
DIY Glass/Mirror Cleaner
DIY All Purpose Kitchen Cleaner
Why Replace Chemical, Toxic Cleaners with Natural


DIY collage