Tag Archives: antioxidants

ALOE GLOE Organic Aloe Vera Water

In a recent post, I showed you how I make our AFTER SUN LOTION with Aloe vera and essential oils.  It’s been fun getting feedback from you guys who have made it!  It really DOES work so well!

Topical Aloe application, however, is just the tip of the Aloe vera iceberg in terms of health potential.  So I thought it would be fun to stay with the Aloe theme but this time talk about drinking Aloe vera!

aloe vera water


I bought this one (of course it includes coconut water which feeds my coconut obsession)  but there are other kinds too.  I choose to drink this brand – ALOE GLOE – because I trust the company.  I think this tastes good and is very refreshing. It’s got a mild taste and is lightly sweetened with organic cane sugar and organic stevia and has only 18 calories per serving.  If you don’t like drinking it, you can add it to smoothie or something.  It’s packed with vitamins and is clinically proven to improve skin and cardiovascular health (for all you nerds out there, I have more details on the benefits below)

Do you drink it?  What’s you favorite?  I’d love to know!

Click the link below for 12 pack (15 oz) of Aloe Gloe Organic Aloe Water


Some of you are like me and want to know why in the world we would buy this and then drink it. The answer ‘It’s good for you”  isn’t good enough.  Tell me why!  I don’t like to do things blindly.  So if you’re in my camp I included some benefits discovered from research below.

For the others, this is all TMI… and that’s ok too!   You guys should definitely just trust me that it’s GOOD FOR YOU, be done reading this post and now click the link above to buy your Aloe Gloe!  THE END and thanks for reading!


ANTIOXIDANTS >>> Phase II enzymes are known to reduce oxidative stress (… aging process…), and Aloe vera has been shown to stimulate the production of natural Phase II antioxidants. Daily dosing of Aloe vera can stimulate a person’s natural, inherent antioxidant system to help fight oxidative stress.  source

INSIDE BEAUTY >>> Thirty healthy female subjects over the age of 45 were orally supplemented with either a low or a high dose (low dose=1,200 mg/day; high dose=3,600 mg/day) of Aloe vera gel for 90 days. After completion of the 90-day period, the KFDA concluded that ingested Aloe vera gel resulted in a significant reduction in facial wrinkles and a significant increase in skin elasticity. There were no adverse events reported. There was also an increase in collagen production and a decrease in collagen-degrading MMP-1 gene expression.  source <<<  DONE.  NUF SAID.  I’M IN.

CARDIOVASCULAR BENEFITS >>> Cardiovascular disease is the number-one killer in the United States. Lowering cholesterol is a key prevention in mitigating the risk of heart disease. A number of studies done in the United States and abroad have shown Aloe vera taken as a supplement can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. One human clinical study showed that the group taking aloe experienced a 10% drop in total cholesterol. This same study showed a drop in LDL and triglyceride levels to near optimum levels.

Cardiovascular health, as well as metabolic syndrome and related issues like diabetes, is also linked to oxidative stress. A recent placebo-controlled human clinical trial showed that the group taking Aloe vera had a significant reduction in risk factors associated with oxidative stress, including C-reactive protein, a marker of oxidative stress and inflammation. In the Aloe vera group, C-reactive protein dropped by 38%, and isoprostanes, compounds formed by the peroxidation of essential fatty acids, dropped by 32%.  source

IMMUNE HEALTH >>> Science has shown us ways to enhance our innate immune systems through supplementation, with tests now able to determine if an ingredient is increasing Peripheral Blood Monocyte (PBM) CD56 and the cell-killing capability of natural killer cells.

A study sanctioned by the Korean Food and Drug Administration indicated that the group taking an Aloe vera supplement saw increased PBM CD56 and the cell-killing capability of natural killer cells, indicating immune enhancement. As a result of this study, the KFDA has allowed immune-health claims to be made for products containing Aloe vera.  source

There are other benefits being discovered, but I’m sold from just this.


OUR STORY —> aloegloe.com
For us, Aloe Gloe is so much more than just a beverage.

While surfing in Manhattan Beach, co-founder Danny Stepper had an accident that gashed open his forehead. After getting stitches, his doctor prescribed not only applying Aloe Vera to the scar but also recommended drinking it. The problem was he couldn’t find any healthy options that weren’t full of sugar, organic or local. Luckily for Stepper, he and his friends are in the beverage business.

Aloe Gloe is part of L.A. Libations, an emerging beverage incubator that was founded by Stepper, Pat Bolden and Dino Sarti. The three first met while working as merchandisers for Coca-Cola Enterprises and after many successful years in the beverage industry they reunited to create L.A. Libations and in turn their own passion project, Aloe Gloe.

Don’t forget to check out my ALOE VERA AFTER SUN LOTION! 

DIY After Sun Lotion




Ginger is a great ANTI-FOOD —» it’s anti-viral • anti-septic • anti-histamine • anti-inflammatory and just great if you have a head cold or sinus congestion.  It’s INTENSE NUTRITION!  BAM

If you live near a beloved JUICE BAR ♥, go in and ask for a Ginger Shot.

They’ll make one up for ya!



  • 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 large knob of ginger, about 50g

Peel the ginger, then put it into a juicer and collect the juice. Squeeze the lemon either by hand or using a citrus press. Mix the juice of the ginger and lemon together, then drink the shot – don’t sip it though as it’s not the most delicious thing!


Can you take a GINGER SHOT and keep a straight face like my little man Iver?

Now here’s a Juicy Tip from Juice Therapy •••
For a warm, comforting, nutritious drink, put a few slices of lemon and ginger along with a teaspoon of manuka honey into hot water.

Because ginger helps to tame nausea, it is beneficial for people undergoing chemotherapy and its associated nausea as well as for pregnancy and its associated morning sickness.

Ginger has been referred to as “the king of anti-inflammatory foods” and is incredibly useful for any inflammatory problems in the body from rheumatoid arthritis to easing muscle pain after strenuous activity and exercise. The reason it is such a powerful anti-inflamatory is because it contains compounds or essential oils called gingerols that help to interrupt the inflammation process. Essentially they interfere with an enzyme called cyclo-oxygenase (COX) that is involved in switching on inflammation and instigating pain. When we experience a cold, we feel all bunged up with mucus, although actually most of that feeling actually comes from inflammation of the of the mucous membrane in the nose and sinuses. Most conditions and pain in the body are associated with inflammation including all muscle pain, arthritis and even skin conditions. … read more here

For some fun Juicy Trivia, check out Juice Therapy! 

A ginger shot is one of the assignments in our Fall Bingo Challenge!  This is a great way to say motivated in November… Let’s do this together!  Come read → HERE ←about the challenge and get your family and friends in on this one… it’s gonna be FUN!!

bingo final




The 14 Anti-Aging Foods List

We can’t turn back time, but we CAN

 slow down the inevitable aging process 

that we all must face!

We can improve our quality of life and reduce our risk of age-related diseases by what we eat!

Choose HEALTH by choosing these

Anti-Aging Foods:

  1. Wild Salmon

  2. Green Leafy Vegetables

  3. Blueberries

  4. Nuts

  5. Apples

  6. Cruciferous Vegetables

  7. Beans

  8. Pomegranate Juice

  9. Red Wine

  10. Prunes

  11. Dark Chocolate

  12. Oatmeal

  13. Spices and Herbs

  14. Tea

Anti-Aging: 14 Tea

Every Tea has its own health benefits!


  • White Tea – least processed, purest; very little caffeine.  Contains antioxidants that are wonderful for skin and complexion.

  • Green Tea – has only 5-10% of caffeine compared to coffee, has healthy antioxidants, good for skin & teeth, helps maintain cholesterol and healthy blood sugar levels

  • Oolong Tea – 15% of the caffeine in 1 cup of coffee, good for weight loss

  • Black Tea – 20% the caffeine in a cup of coffee, helps maintain cholesterol levels, helps with cardiovascular function and good for circulation

  • Herbal Tea – rich in Vitamin C, typically caffeine-free, YUMMY iced or hot, and broken down into 3 categories:

  1. Rooibos Tea : (Red Tea) lots of vitamins & minerals, antioxidants, caffeine free, promotes digestion and supports immune system, skin, teeth & bones

  2. Mate Tea : gives the same energy as coffee, but without the jitters, can curb appetite, and contains 21 vitamins & minerals

  3. Herbal Infusions : pure herbs, flowers, & fruits

  • Blooming Tea – flowering teas – actually “bloom” as they steep

  • Tea Blends – mixing different teas is a great way to get a variety of flavors and add a variety of health benefits to your body!

An example is Teavana’s Detox Tea Blend.  This contains a white tea, green tea, oolong and peppermint herbal tea!

What’s your favorite Tea?

Anti-Aging: 13 Spices & Herbs


Our amazing Earth produces a wide variety of SPICES and HERBS that contain thousands of plant chemicals that are




ginger – turmeric – cinnamon – cloves – oregano –

parsley – rosemary –

thyme -mint – tarragon – dill

Check out Dr. Oz 

Top 10 Anti-Aging Spices & Herbs

So spice up your food and know that your are fighting against aging!

Let us know what your favorite spices & herbs are and how you use them in your kitchen!

Anti-Aging: 12 Oatmeal


Add oatmeal to your normal diet to slow down the aging process because it

  1. lowers cholesterol

  2. boosts immune system

  3. stabilizes blood sugar

  4. reduces risk of diabetes

  5. has special antioxidants to protect heart

  6. prevents breast cancer

  7. gluten-friendly – it has a small amount of gluten but studies have shown that adults and children with celiac disease can tolerate it

Add other Anti-Aging foods to your oatmeal… like

Check out  Mr. Breakfast.com for 144 

different ways to make oatmeal!

Let me know what you try and how you like it!

Anti-Aging: 11 Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate = Health Food =


It is an ANTI-AGING food!

It has Cocoa that contains a plant compound called flavonols.

Flavonols have an impressive array of benefits including:

  • lowering blood pressure

  • lowering cholesterol

According to FitDay, Dark Chocolate

  1. Is Good for your Heart (helps prevent blood clots)

  2. Is Good for your Brain (increases blood flow & reduces stroke)

  3. Helps control Blood Sugar (has a low glycemic index-won’t spike blood sugar levels, good for circulation & it helps keep blood vessels healthy)

  4. Is FULL of Antioxidants!  Helps free your body of FREE RADICALS

  5. Contains Theobromine – shown to harden tooth enamel

  6. Is high in VITAMINS & MINERALS!

  • Potassium

  • Copper

  • Magnesium

  • Iron

The copper and potassium in dark chocolate help prevent against stroke and cardiovascular ailments. The iron in chocolate protects against iron deficiency anemia, and the magnesium in chocolate helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Check out some of the Best Dark Chocolate in the world


I’m not telling you -and me – to go crazy on Dark Chocolate!

It’s high in FAT!

Remember, Milk Chocolate IS NOT THE SAME!

If you don’t like the DARK, transition yourself by first choosing a chocolate that is at least 60% cocoa.  Once you are use to the flavor, increase to 70%, 80%, and then even 90% pure cocoa.

One of our favorite way to add Dark Chocolate:

We grate it over our oatmeal!

My kids love this.

What’s your favorite kind of 



Anti-Aging: 10 Prunes


One of the healthiest foods!

They are most commonly known as a natural laxative, but there are numerous other benefits from these fruits.

Prune Nutrition Facts

Glycemic Index (GI) Rating: Although rich in simple sugars, prunes do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, possibly because of their high fiber, fructose, and sorbitol content. Therefore, prunes have a low GI rating of 29. The Glycemic Load (GL) of prunes is 9.57 (low).
Calories: Prunes have about 240 calories per 100 grams (67 calories per 1 ounce).
Macronutrients: Prunes are rich in carbohydrates. They are also an excellent source of dietary fiber (6.1 grams per 100 grams). Prunes contain very little protein and hardly any fat.
Vitamins: Prunes are a good source of vitamin A and vitamin K.
Minerals and Trace Elements: Prunes are a good source of potassium, copper, boron and magnesium.
Phenolic Compounds: Prunes are rich in phenolic compounds (184 mg/100 g) such as neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids.

Anti-Aging:: 8 Pomegranate Juice


Studies suggest  that long-term consumption

of pomegranate juice may::

It contains more

ANTIOXIDANTS than other juices!

To get the health benefit,

drink 4-8 oz a day.

Pomegranate juice has 30 grams of SUGAR – more than an equal size serving of some soft drinks – do DON’T over do it!  4-8 oz is all that you need!!!

Anti-Aging: 7 BEANS


FACT :: There are aproximatly 13,000 species of beans and legumes in the world!  Now that’s variety!

Diets rich in beans are being used to:

  • reduce risk of many cancers

  • improve diabetics’ blood glucose control

  • lower blood pressure

  • regulate  colon function

  • lower cholesterol levels

  • prevent and cure constipation

 Richly colored dried BEANS offer a lot of antioxidant protection!  Red kidney beans actually have more antioxidants than blueberries!

Beans are loaded with


Brown Rice and Black Bean Burritos Rachael Ray

  • 2 cups chicken stock or water
  • 1 cup brown rice
  • Salt and ground black pepper
  • 3 tablespoons EVOO – Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped or grated
  • 1 jalapeño, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 15-ounce can fire-roasted tomatoes, diced
  • 2 14-ounce cans black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 4 large, whole wheat tortillas
  • 1 cup of smoked white cheddar
  • 1/2 head iceberg lettuce, chopped
  • 4 small tomatoes, seeded and diced
  • 2 scallions, white and green parts, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 bunch (about a handful) of cilantro leaves removed from stems
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • A few dashes hot sauce
  • 1 jicama, peeled and cut into matchsticks
  • 1 red onion, sliced
  • 2 carrots, peeled and cut into matchsticks


Place a medium pot over medium-high heat with the stock or water and brown rice. Season with salt and pepper, and bring up to a bubble. Cover the pan, reduce the heat to low and simmer until the rice has absorbed all the liquid, about 25 minutes. Fluff the rice with a fork.
While rice is cooking, place another pot over medium heat with 1 turn of the pan of EVOO, onion, garlic, jalapeño, salt and ground black pepper. Cook until tender, about 3-4 minutes. Stir in cumin and cook about 1 minute then add tomatoes and beans, and heat through, about 2 minutes. Keep warm until the rice is ready.
Just before the rice and beans are ready, place a dry skillet over medium heat. Warm the tortillas in the pan until hot and lightly blistered. Transfer finished tortillas to a plate and cover them in a clean kitchen towel to keep them warm.
When everything is ready, lay down the tortillas and divide the cheese evenly between them. Divide the rice and beans between the tortillas as well as the lettuce, tomatoes, scallions and cilantro. Roll up each burrito.

The Ultimate Chili Allrecipes


  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 (15 ounce) cans dark red kidney beans
  • 3 (14.5 ounce) cans Mexican-style stewed tomatoes
  • 2 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 dash Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 cup red wine


  1. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook ground beef until evenly browned. Drain off grease, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
  2. In a slow cooker, combine the cooked beef, kidney beans, tomatoes, celery, red bell pepper, and red wine vinegar. Season with chili powder, cumin, parsley, basil and Worcestershire sauce. Stir to distribute ingredients evenly.
  3. Cook on High for 6 hours, or on Low for 8 hours. Pour in the wine during the last 2 hours.