Tag Archives: Nashville pilates


 It was a happy day when the nice delivery guy dropped these off at my door.  Just in time for some beautiful warm weather.  PowerICE is a company who makes frozen hydration bars and I am super happy review their product.  They sent a generous amount that has allowed me to share the love and get some good feedback!  Two big things that caught my eye about this product: they don’t have high fructose corn syrup or artificial preservatives.  You can see the ingredients here.  
Years ago I stopped buying these for my kids
image here
because of the HFCS and dyes 
and there was much sadness in my house.
So as you can imagine, I was really hoping these icy pops would be just as good and exciting as the ones that have been banned from my house.   The kids were pretty pumped about trying them, so I packed them on ice, threw it all into my cooler bag and we took them with us on our hike. 
This was really our first time to try them… and we all thought they were really yummy and refreshing.   I left the cooler bag in the hot car for about an hour, then I took it out when we went down to the river.  After that amount of time, they were melted some, but still very frozen and I was happy about that.  
Grape Score
Lime Kicker
Orange Blast
Pomegranate Raspberry Rip
My girl didn’t love the Pomegranate Raspberry so much but really liked the Grape and Orange, my little man was all over Orange Blast and Lime and my fave was Pomegranate Raspberry and Grape.
I shared PowerIce with my class after doing a great cardio/toning workout using Tye4® wearable resistance.  Everyone really loved the PowerICE bars.  Here are some of the things that were said:
“The texture is great, like sonic ice.  Really good.”
“… not so salty and more refreshing then Gatorade”
“Doesn’t leave an after taste like products with artificial ingredients”  
Thought that was great feedback and I 
happen to agree.

I also put them to the test at the ball field.  As you can see, I was hard at work reviewing this product.  It was very difficult not to sneak into the cooler bag and  help myself to a second one.  I did think it nice of me to practice self control and share with the kids after their game.  
Excuse me as I go off on a soap box for a moment:  
Parents, if you have kids playing sports, teach them at an early age to be an intentional athlete.  They can learn to give 100% on the field and off the field as well.  This will develop character and life skills that will follow them into all areas of their life.  As a parent, you have the opportunity to teach them how to fuel their body before the game and teach them what they need to do to repair after a game or practice.  This is a fun experience for the kids.  I’ve seen it first hand.  This is a great way to empower our kids to take responsibility over their own health.  Post game snacks are fun and exciting as the kids celebrate their game, but as parents we can choose healthier options to give them.  These PowerICE bars were PERFECT for this b/c I knew they were getting some good stuff to replace electrolytes and they were excited to get a fun treat!  
Win Win… Win.  

To sum up this PowerICE review, I really like them and so does everyone else I shared them with.  Bam. 
Check out their website here to order and get to know this fun company on Facebook,  Twitter, Pinterest and Youtube.   

JANUARY 14, 2014 – NewsChannel5.com | NASHVILLE NEWS

Check it out!  I was on the news today introducing Tye4 to the Nashville area!
Click link below to view:


This is such an exciting time!
TheMethod Pilates 
has some amazing new products that we all should take advantage of.



This is a brilliant, simple looking headband with bungees that you pull to create compression around the head.  It’s hard to explain until you’ve tried it, but it feels so good and does so much good for the neck, shoulders, and spine when it’s used.

Short term use:  It relieves neck pain and shoulder tension!  After using it, my head feels lighter.

Long term use:  It will correct “Head Forward Syndrome”

Pre-Workout use: I use the HeadFloater in the morning and before bed, but this week I found a new need for it… right before I workout!  Occasionally I will do kettlebell swings in the morning for a quick, muscle confusing, full body workout.  I usually do 100 swings and then eat breakfast.  Well, on this particular morning I thought it would be good to use my HeadFloater after my swings.  So I did.  When I stood up after using it, I thought, “NOW I feel like I’m ready to do swings.”  My posture felt right and my back felt more engaged (very important for kettlebell swings), so I did a few more swings… 100 more because I felt strong and balanced – more so than the first set.


I already knew that HeadFloater sets your head correctly above your body after the use, but this experienced opened my eyes to its value along side exercise.  No matter what type of exercise you do, good posture is important to keep the body safe and to work the muscles you are intending on working!

Oh, I should tell you:  This takes less than 5 minutes to use and fits in your purse or desk drawer.  Could not be easier to get an adjustment whenever you need!

So there. PURCHASE HeadFloater TODAY!- $35  Take it to the gym and use it before your next class or session or pull it out after a long, stressful conference call or hours bent over at the computer… or after an uncomfortable flight or a bad night sleep.  

HeadFloater in Pilates Style Magazine – Full Article HERE

The other SUPER EXCITING THING hitting fitness now is the TYE4.  The more I use it, the more I LOVE it… and so does everyone else!
More about it HERE.
My kids have been begging to use it and I kept saying (especially to my 8 yr old) “It just won’t fit you.”  Well he really wanted to try, so I thought I’d show him I was right….  OOOPS, I was wrong and it did adjust to his size!  I had to grab my camera becasue my kids were having so much fun playing with it and being creative.  Watch this 40 sec. video and remember, I gave them NO instruction! (Of course they have watched me use it)

PURCHASE TYE4 wearable resistance system HERE.  Workout at home and add momentum to your workouts for faster results!

Join our Online Coaching Group ($10/month) and get more full workout videos, coaching, encouragement and a fun social online space to connect with others in this game to be more healthy and fit! Click HERE for more info!!



 Fitmark has a great blog for fitness enthusiasts written by an impressive list of Fitmark Ambassadors.  I have the privilage of being one of them!  
“We are a group of athletes across the globe coming together to promote health, fitness, style, and success.” Fitmark
I’m excited today because FitmarkBags.com just published my TYE4® Review post!  Come over and read it.  After, you will understand how Tye4 will enhance your workout and how I am using it in my TYE4 Fusion Class and the TYE4 Pilates Class.  
Read it HERE.
If you like it, SHARE it!  
Thanks for helping spread the word!


See what About.com has to say about the Tye4®!

“The Tye4® is resistance training equipment that is worn on the body as a small harness with specially designed thin bungee cords that attach to the arms and feet. Originally developed for standing Pilates exercises, it helps improve balance and posture and has a wide variety of applications.

Balance and Resistance with Tye4®
What is so great about the Tye4® is that the lines of resistance feedback to the core of your body. This is a very Pilates approach to fitness. It’s an effect we get from much of the larger Pilates equipment like the reformer, but getting that direct feedback with something as portable as the Tye4 is unusual. For example, even exercise bands tend to pull oddly at the distant ends of our arms and legs as we use them in resistance training, and we have to use extra focus to make sure we are working from our core. The Tye4® is a more core-direct experience. It is also more stabilizing for the joints this way.This is not super resistance training that we are talking about. We are still in the realm of Pilates where we are more interested in core strength and stability than pumping up our muscles unnecessarily. Therefore, the bungee cords do not need to be very thick and the adjustable lengths are set to give just enough resistance to tone the muscles and activate the core. They can be crossed or held shorter to increase their resistance or stabilizing effect.The feedback the bungee cords provide also help the body figure out where it is in space, and how it needs to organize to maintain balance. There is a whole repertoire of standing Pilates exercises developed for use with the Tye4® to take advantage of the enhanced proprioceptive aspect of it. Dancers and Pilates teachers, of course take to it very naturally, but I can imagine that eventually it will be used to help many people who need extra balance training.”

Read the full article HERE. 
Click HERE to get TYE4® CLASS description

Click HERE to learn more about how awesome the Pilates is.
And Click HERE to take a peek at the Official Tye4® Launch I had the privilege of being a part of in New York July 20th!


Email me  
 for class schedule and sign up
FOLLOW my Tye4® Facebook Page 
Nashville Fitness
Tye4 will be featured and used at the Health & Fitness Retreat 
Email for details.


Tye4® Official Launch in New York

Here are some of the pictures from the official Launch of the Tye4® in New York!  Check out more pictures at 
I enjoyed meeting this talented group of trainers and instructors who flew in from all over the world for this training.
Chelsea Studios
This is where we got to know the Tye4®!

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